Washington Little Guy Wrestling League

Asylum WLGWL Events

  • Reactor Rumble

    Hanford High School

    MARCH 8th.2025

    ~ 800 competitors

  • Burbank

    Burbank, Washington

    March 15th, 2025

    Approximately 400

  • Gonzaga Prep

    Spokane, Washington

    March 22nd, 2025

    1,000 Wresters

  • BYE Week

    No Competition

    March 28th, 2025

    this week its a lazy week. click to register for a day off.

  • Richland

    Richland High School.

    April 5th, 2025

  • Jason Crawford

    Event Center Spokane, WA

    April 12th, 2025

    2000 Wrestlers


Washington Little Guy is a volunteer based league. This is how they keep prices low and affordable. If you have chosen to sign up for Little Guy you have volunteered to assist in portions of tournaments. We are often required to provide the following:

Table Help -

Towel tapers -

We recognize not everyone is good with technology so and most are not familiar with the program. We get it neither is most of the folks. Please Volunteer for one of them. We will not be able to continue to compete in the league if we do not succeed in providing assistance. Also - it is never fun always being the one volunteering being respectful let play each of our parts. If your kid is competing in a couple matches we can swap out. This is a good way to start to understand the points system, Give a different perspective. If your kid is done wrestling and you can stay for a bit get them involved running around and slapping the referee when the time is up. They like it and it keeps them out of trouble or hounding you.


Let us know if you plan on attending. This assist in our planning for each event. Parents and coaches it highly encouraged to let us know what competitions you are available. It gets crazy mat side and we are hoping we have enough coaches/athletes for each competition. Little Guy DOES NOT allow parents mat side and will NOT start a match without a coach. It takes all of us to coordinate these crazy animals at these wrestling events. When coaches are limited it makes it a hard day not only on the coaches but parents and athletes. We are all volunteers and we understand “Life” sometimes gets in the way so lets make sure we are doing our best to set up each competition the best we can before “Life” adds a kick to the butt.


Little Guy Coaches:

  • Coach Albert

  • (TBD)

  • (TBD)

USA Wrestling Coaches: (Folkstyle)

  • Coach T

  • Mrs. Rashel

  • (TBD)

USA Wrestling Coaches: (Freestyle/Greco)

  • Coach T

  • Mrs. Rashel

  • (TBD)

Rovers: (based on availability)

  • Juan Ozuna

  • Joe Derousie

  • Hunter (High school Competitor/Coach)

  • Joel (High school Competitor/Coach)

  • Xavior (High school Competitor/Coach)

  • TBD (Female Coach)

  • TBD (Female Coach)

It starts with you!
— Coach T
  • WLGWL Rule Amendments

    Unless otherwise specified WLGWL follows WIAA Rules 


    Officials - Each location must have at least one certified official. It may be a WIAA certified referee or high school coach.

    League Representatives - Are league appointed and have the authority to mediate and resolve any issues that may arise at a tournament.

    Table Coverage - All teams are required to provide capable table workers at each tournament as requested by the host team. 

    Weight Classes - Weight differentials will be no more than 5 lbs or 10% of gross weight whichever is greater, exceptions may be made with parent and/or coach consent.

    Coaches - A coach or representative must present mat side before beginning wrestling.

    Team Participation - Teams may only compete at the tournament their team has been assigned at the league general meeting.

    Athlete Participation - Athletes may only compete if they are on the current league roster of a team assigned to that tournament.

    Sessions - Tournaments may have as many or as few wrestling sessions as needed.

    Check-Ins - A representative must check in and pay one hour prior to the start of the first session of the day.

    Sanitation - Mats ust be cleaned before each session of a tournament.


    Match - Periods are 1 minute in length with no overtime. 13-14 year olds are 1:30 in length.

    Ties/Overtime - There is no over time. The first wrestler to score in the match has the tiebreaker and is declared the winner. If no points have been scored in the match the WIAA overtime format will be followed.

    Out of Bounds - Out of bounds will not have a strict definition but will be enforced to maintain the flow of wrestling and maintain the safety of all participants in the best judgment of officials..


    Uniforms - Teams will wear matching team issued uniforms. They do not have to be exact but need to be similar and recognizable as a member of a team. Females may wear male cut singlets with a compression shirt.

    Mat Size - Regulation mats are not required but should be large enough to maintain safety for participants. Matches must stay on the mat they begin on unless moved due  to injury or technical difficulty.

    Safety - Athletes must follow current WIAA/NFHS rules pertaining to the following:

    Headgear - Mouth Guards - Shoes - Braces/Supports

  • 2025 - Age Divisions

    WLGWL Athletes compete by birth year. Tournaments may separate ages but may not combine them without prior league authorization.  

    5 / 6Born 2018-2019 

    7 / 8 Born 2016 - 2017

    9 / 10 Born 2014-2015 

    11 / 12 Born 20212 - 2013

    13 / 14 Born 2010 - 2011

  • Officials - Each location must have at least one certified official. It may be a WIAA certified referee or high school coach.

    League Representatives - Are league appointed and have the authority to mediate and resolve any issues that may arise at a tournament.

    Table Coverage - All teams are required to provide capable table workers at each tournament as requested by the host team. 

    Weight Classes - Weight differentials will be no more than 10% , exceptions may be made with parent and/or coach consent.

    Coaches - A coach or representative must present mat side before beginning wrestling.

    Team Participation - Teams may only compete at the tournament their team has been assigned at the league general meeting.

    Athlete Participation - Athletes may only compete if they are on the current league roster of a team assigned to that tournament.

    Sessions - Tournaments may have as many or as few wrestling sessions as needed.

    Check-Ins - A representative must check in and pay one hour prior to the start of the first session of the day.

    Sanitation - Mats should be cleaned before each session of a tournament.

  • Match - Periods are 1 minute in length. 13-14 year olds are 1:30 in length.

    Ties/Overtime - There is no over time. The first wrestler to score in the match has the tiebreaker and is declared the winner. If no points have been scored in the match the WIAA overtime format will be followed.

    Out of Bounds- No wrestling out of bounds will be allowed, this includes WIAA rules about pinning.

  • Weigh - In Protocol

    Teams are responsible to weigh their own athletes and collect that week’s tournament fee. Weights may be taken at any practice or location the team decides.

    Coaches must do a thorough skin and nail check each week. Coaches can find skin disease resources on the league website or online. 

    Weights must be entered no later than 9pm Thursday of tournament week.

  • Only COACHES may issue a weight check or challenge.

    Challenge Fee - $50.00 due upon challenge

    • Challenges must be made before the affected brackets next round begins.

    • Challenges must be taken to the tournament director or designated representative.

    • Challenges must be done on a certified scale at the event.

    Allowable Weight Difference - 10%

    Successful Challenge

    • Challenge fee is returned to the challenging team. 

    • That wrestler is done for the day.

    All Athletes from the team with the weight discrepancy will be called to the floor for a spot weight check. Athletes found to weigh outside of the allowable difference will forfeit that day’s competition.

    Unsuccessful Challenge

    • Challenge fee is forfeited and wrestling continues.

    • Challenge fee is awarded to the tournament host team.

    Tips to avoid weight challenges and discrepancies.

    • Weigh athletes at the beginning of practice.

    • Weigh athletes with their shoes and clothes on.

    • Round athlete weights to the next whole number.

    • Encourage athletes to be fully hydrated and eat dinner.

    • Remind parents that Madison weight brackets change weekly.

  • Uniforms - Teams will wear matching team issued and approved uniforms. They do not have to be exact but need to be similar and recognizable as a member of a team. Females may wear male cut singlets with a compression shirt.

    Mat Size - Regulation mats are not required but should be large enough to maintain safety for participants. Matches must stay on the mat they begin on unless moved due to injury or technical difficulty.

    Safety - Athletes must follow current WIAA/NFHS rules pertaining to the following:

    Headgear - Mouth Guards - Shoes - Braces/Supports


    Wrestler - No refunds are given for athletes that withdraw after rosters are sent to the league.

    Entry/Family -

    • 0$ for general events

    • JMCT tournament fee as determined at league meeting. 


    Willful violation of league rules can lead to a fee up to 25% of the team registration fee. The team will not be eligible for participation in tournaments until the fee is paid in full. Fees are determined by a vote of the Board.

  • Our Story - your words

    “The Wrestling Asylum is AMAZING! Our daughter loves it there and feels very valued and receives the one on one attention she needs to improve. We feel like family there and appreciate you all so so much!” - Sarah

  • Our story - your words

    “The coaches are phenomenal!

    My son won Gold Medals in all 4 of his brackets at his next Jui Jitsu Tournament, using the techniques taught at The Wrestling Asylum, after only a couple of weeks of training with them!

    My daughter was taught how to be more aggressive in her ground work, and it helped her Judo game get stronger. This enabled her to win 2 Bronze Medals at the International Jr. Olympics Judo Competition - after only about a month of training with them.

    The coaches truly want to help each athlete reach their full potential, and they teaching the correct techniques. They get down to the kids’ level, get on the mats with them, and show them exactly what to do and how to do it! They build a good relationship with each athlete cause they genuine care! And they welcome all of the different genres of grappling and teach them how to incorporate them. They also encourage training with other disciplines; which helps create more well-rounded athletes.

    If you are wanting to help your athletes reach the next level, come talk to the amazing coaches at The Wrestling Asylum and see how they can help your kids achieve their greatest goals!” -Lisa


    “The Wrestling Asylum is more than just a wrestling club. It is a community of amazing people who are willing to help your kids grow as an athlete and into great person. My kids joined 8 months ago mainly for the workout and to learn a new skill. Now they are getting ready to begin their first tournaments! We wouldn’t want to be apart of any other club!” - Kayla


    “Best Wrestling Club in Tri Cities, Great coaches that really focus on the kids. My kids love it.” - Patricia


    “We got our kids into wrestling to help them with their athleticism, self defense and mental toughness. Treston and Alex are passionate about the sport and know what it takes to succeed. They are quick to correct bad form, instill confidence, and call out the kids when they are doggin it. I appreciate everything they have taught me and my kids. I say me too because I don’t have very much wrestling/martial arts background and they have given me a lot of good advice.” -Jason


    “My son started attending this club last month and i can say that the coaches are the reason why he wants to come back every single week! The coaches are extremely knowledgable and have a heart to see kids be successful with the sport.”— Christian Gonzalez