Upcoming events.

(WLGWL) Burbank- WEEK 2
WLGWL registered athlete.
girl competitor focused brackets
8am start.
(3-STYLES) WSWA Twin City 3-Style
free style usa card is needed.
Location: NW Sportshub, Allen Avenue, Centralia, WA, USA
2025 Northwest Regional Championships 16U and Junior
NW Sports Hub
701 Allen Ave
Centralia, WA 98531
The 2025 Northwest Regionals heads back to Centralia, WA on March 29-30. This event will take place at the NW Sports Hub and is a qualifier for the 2025 USMC Junior National Championships in Fargo, ND in the 16U & Junior Men's and Women's divisions.
14U division is a Festival and does not qualify athletes for Kids Nationals.
This is a qualifier for USMC Junior & 16U Nationals
Qualification Procedures for USMC Junior & 16U Nationals in Fargo, ND held in July
State teams shall be limited to four (4) wrestlers per age per style per weight class. Wrestlers who earn automatic qualifier status shall not count against any limit.
Automatic Qualifier – USMC Junior & 16U Nationals
The following shall serve as automatic qualifiers at Junior & 16U Nationals and shall not count against any roster limit:
Current year 1st-6th place at USA Wrestling Regionals (placement must be in the same age and style)
Current year 1st-8th place at U15 Nationals (placement must be in the same style)
Current year 1st-8th place at U17 Nationals (placement must be in the same style)
Current year 1st-8th place at U20 Nationals (placement must be in the same style)
Previous year 1st-8th place at Junior Nationals (placement must be in the same style)
Previous year 1st-8th place at 16U Nationals (placement must be in the same style)
*Geographical Exception for Qualification Procedures – USMC Junior & 16U Nationals
For Hawaii and Alaska only, their roster limit shall not exceed 4 per weight class plus 2 additional wrestlers. The wrestlers can be at any weight class. (e.g.: 15 weight classes = 62 wrestlers)
Coaches Bands: Bronze NCEP certification required!
USA Wrestling Event Refund Policy: Your USA Wrestling event purchase through the USA Wrestling membership system (tournament entry, coaches pass, tickets, etc.) is non-refundable. Any cancelation that takes place after purchase, or after the event has been passed, will not be refunded. By completing this event purchase, you understand that all purchases are non-refundable for whatever reason.

Proud of the one willing to make the trip and leave it all on the mat. We have some of our Judo animals that decided to give wrestling a try headed that way. We don’t only root them on but we are rooting for our friends and families that only compete in JUDO events the best.
Live Stream options will be posted and we will update folks.
Go Get it.
Discipline, Technique, Respect.

The Revolution 54
Competitors Head over to Puyallup, WA to compete
The Revolution 54
A Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Gi & No-Gi Tournament Saturday - Adult Gi & NoGi Competition / Sunday - Youth Gi & NoGi Competition
REGISTRATION: MONDAY March 3rd - Registration Opens
Youth $70 Gi or No-Gi / $110 Gi & No-Gi (discount at checkout)
Adults $75 Gi or No-Gi / $115 Gi & No-Gi (discount at checkout)
MONDAY March 3rd - Free T-Shirt Cut Off Ends at 11:59PM (1st day registrations only)
MONDAY March 10th - Early Registration Pricing Ends at 11:59PM
March 10th - March 28th Youth $87 Gi or No-Gi / $127 Gi & No-Gi (discount at checkout)
Adults $92 Gi or No-Gi / $132 Gi & No-Gi (discount at checkout)
FRIDAY March 28th - REGISTRATION ENDS at 11:59PM (or earlier if capacity is reached)
No Registrations accepted after 11:59PM. No Exceptions. SATURDAY March 29th - Registration Check Day (one last day to make changes to weights & team info)
Division change, weight change, error correction or refunds can be made by accessing your Smoothcomp account. No refunds after Registration closes 11:59PM March 28th. No changes allowed after Registration Check Day closes 11:59PM March 29th.
REFUND POLICY: Our policy on refunds is as follows…Refunds submitted before registration closing will be refunded, minus a 5% service fee.
Competitors should log into your account and cancel your registration yourself. If after registration closes, we cannot provide you with a match we will refund your registration 100%. 'No Show' athletes forfeit their registration fee in full. Funds are not rolled over. We do not accept ANY changes after registration closes.
MILITARY/1ST RESPONDER DISCOUNT: Thank you for your service. Use the coupon code 'HERO54' at check out to receive a $10 discount off your registration. This discount/code MUST BE USED AT TIME OF REGISTRATION. When taking this discount please be prepared to show proper ID at time of check in.
COUPON CODES FROM PREVIOUS REVOLUTIONS: If at some point you have been issued a coupon code that code can be applied towards The Revolution of your choice. You will find that code in your Smoothcomp athlete account.
THIS IS A SINGLE ELIMINATION TOURNAMENT WITH A CONSOLATION MATCH for athletes who lose their first match We will make every reasonable effort to get each athlete their 2nd match. Your consolation match is not guaranteed.
RULES: https://www.leapllc.com/tournament-rules
COMPETITOR LISTS: Competitor Lists can be viewed at the registrations tab on the event page.
We advise you to login on the last day of registration and check your details along with the competitor lists to make any necessary changes.
WEIGH INS: Take place on the day of the event when your bracket is called. If you are registered for both Gi & NoGi you will weigh twice. Competitors weighing above their registered weight or failing to show up for scheduled weigh-ins are subject to disqualification and NO REFUND
Adult Gi - weigh-in with your full gi, including belt.
Adult NoGi - weigh-in dressed to compete. (no pockets, zippers or hard plastic)
Youth Gi - weigh-in in gi pants only.
Youth NoGi - weigh-in dressed to compete. (no pockets, zippers or hard plastic)
WARM UP MATS: Dedicated mats for warm up will be provided both days. There are no lockers or showers available.
MEDICAL: There will be trained First Aid medics on site.
CROWD CONTROL: Spectators are welcome to view the event from outside the barricades. There is limited bleacher seating. You are welcome to bring in 'camping chairs'. Please be respectful of other athletes family and friends desire to see their athlete compete by moving off of the rail space when you are not actively cheering on a athlete.
PHOTOGRAPHY: You are welcome to take photos and videos from the spectator areas. We have many photographers on staff taking pictures from inside the barricades. Podium Photos are taken of each division. Photos can be found shortly after the event on the 'Past Events' page at www.leapllc.com/past-events.
COACHING CREDENTIALS: Coaches' bands are free. Entrance to the event as a Coach is free, as long as you register. If your team does not register your coaches, each unregistered coach will be charged the $10 entrance fee before they can receive their band.
There will be no exchanging bands during the event without both the band and the Head Coachthere for the exchange.
Teams that have multiple locations please make sure to register each location independently. For team awards all points will be combined but for coaching credentials to get your full set of credentials each location must register their own coaches.
Coaches can register at https://www.leapllc.com/register until noon April 3rd
The credential tiers are:
1 athlete = 1 coach credential,
2 or 3 athletes = 2 credentials,
4 to 8 athletes = 4 credentials,
9 to 12 athletes = 6 credentials,
13 to 16 athletes = 8 credentials,
16 to 20 athletes = 10 credentials,
21 or more athletes = 14 credentials
BRACKETS & RESULTS: Brackets & final placements are live updated and readily available on the results tab of the event page. Podium Photos will be posted on our website after the event.
FREE T-SHIRTS: Competitors registering before midnight MONDAY March 3rd receive a free event shirt. T-shirts must be picked up during the event. Unclaimed t-shirts will not be mailed or otherwise distributed.
PARKING: Free parking in the Blue Gate Lot
HOTEL: We recommend Fairfield by Marriot $154/per night. Reserve by 3/12 Call 253.770.3100 mention 'The Rev 54' when you book
OTHER: Should the event reach capacity, we reserve the right to close online registration early.
Liberty Events and Promotions reserves our right to refuse service to anyone.
WHAT TO DO WHEN YOU GET TO THE EVENT: Enter through the Blue Gate.
Every competitor will check-in at our front desk when they arrive. Competitors registered in time for their free event shirt can go to the t-shirt booth to pick it up. Competitors can stay up to date with the progress of their mat on screens provided or on their own phones. Please check your weight as soon as you get to the event on one of the check weight scales and find your Ring Coordinator to address any issues. Warm up mats are available. When your bracket is called find your ring coordinator in the weigh-in area to get officially weighed in.
Competitors should be in the building and dresses to compete 1 hour before the estimated START OF THEIR BRACKET ( Not your match time! ) which will be available once the brackets are cast the week of the tournament. Please remember the schedule is LIVE the day of the event. It is not unusual for times to change rapidly throughout the day. It is the athlete's responsibility to monitor any changes in the schedule to start times and mat changes for their bracket. Liberty Events and Promotions is NOT responsible for any athletes who miss the start time of their bracket. No refund will be given.

Emmett Judo Tournament 2024
Saturday, April 13, 2024
USJF Sanctioned Event #24-04-06
Date: Saturday, April 13, 2024
Time: Opening Ceremony @ 9:30am
Venue: Emmett High School, Emmett, Idaho
Address: 721 W. 12th Street, Emmett, ID 83617
Eligibility: Competition is open to to all judoka 5 years of age and older with a current USJF, USJA or USA Judo membership.
Cost: $50 ($5 discount for current USJF and USJA members), second division $10
Tournament Director: Samuel Suyehira (208) 369-0225, Email: sam.suyehira@gmail.com
Head Referee: Aref Hashem, USA Judo National Referee
Registration: Last day to register for event is Wednesday, April 10, 2024. Closes @ 11:59pm MST.
Official competitor weights must be submitted by their dojo/club by 8:00am, Thursday, April 11, 2024.
Saturday, April 13, 2024
8:30am - 9:20am: Referee/Coach Meeting, Black Belt Room
9:30am - 10:00am: Opening Ceremonies
10:00am: Competition begins
Smoothcomp-Link to tournament. Click here

(WLGWL) reactor rumble - WEEK 1
must be a washington Litle guy registered athlete.
week 1. Reactor rumble
Girls Bracketed focus
WSWA Victory in the Valley FS/GR
All Day, March 8th, 2025
Location: Granger High School, Mentzer Avenue, Granger, WA, USA

JUDO - Mcall Idaho
kiddos are heading down to MCALL IDAHO. Competing for our friends/family @TRI-CITY JUDO.
Cheer them on while Tri-City Judo gives out frequent flyer miles.
WSWA Folkstyle State Championship
Registration OPENS 12-8-24.
This tournaments registration sells out quickly. Need to have registrations in as soon as possible. Club will register 12-8 when it opens and any late participants is subject tournaments availability.
WSWA Folkstyle State Championship
U6 - Closes: 02/19/2025 05:00:00 PM MST
U8 - Closes: 02/19/2025 05:00:00 PM MST
U10 - Closes: 02/19/2025 05:00:00 PM MST
U12 - Closes: 02/19/2025 05:00:00 PM MST
U14 - Closes: 02/19/2025 05:00:00 PM MST
U16 - Closes: 02/19/2025 05:00:00 PM MST
Junior - Closes: 02/19/2025 05:00:00 PM MST
Open - Closes: 02/19/2025 05:00:00 PM MST
Girls K-2nd - Closes: 02/19/2025 05:00:00 PM MST
Girls 3rd - 5th - Closes: 02/19/2025 05:00:00 PM MST
Girls 6th-8th - Closes: 02/19/2025 05:00:00 PM MST
High School Girls - Closes: 02/19/2025 05:00:00 PM MST

Oregon Classic 2025
The Oregon Classic-
Weigh-In Location
Deschutes County Fairgrounds- South Sisters Building
3800 Airport Way
Redmond, OR 97756
Weigh-In Date & Times
Wrestlers shall weigh-in wearing a competition singlet or attire (No changing or weight cutting in weigh-in area)
Skin Check at weigh-ins: You are required to bring a note from your physician on their official letterhead if you have any questionable skin issues dated within 7 days of the event. The Tournament Medical Staff will have the “final decision” on entry into the tournament related to skin issues. Please check your wrestler for skin problems to avoid possible disqualification from the Tournament.
No Satellite, Pre-Weigh-In or Late Weigh-In
Wrestlers shall Weigh-In wearing a competition singlet or wrestling attire
No changing in Weigh-In Area
No Gum or Chew in the Weigh-In Area
NO PEEWEE/6U Division - MUST meet minimum age requirement
Can not qualify at two qualifiers. Once you hold a spot it is set. If you try to qualify for a higher spot at another qualifier you are disqualified all together.
NO Refunds
Weigh-Ins Open To All Age Groups
2:00 pm: 8U & 10U Boys & Girls
2:30 pm: 12U & 14U Boys & Girls
3:00 pm - 3:30 pm: 16U Boys
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm: All Ages (in the Expo Center)
Tournament Schedule
Sunday, January 14, 2024
Warm-up: 7:15 am to 7:45 am
Tournament Starts:
8:00am: 8U & 10U
10:00am: 12U, 14U & 16U Boys & Girls
Top 6 places
All Divisions
Contact Information
Lesa Lawrence
OWC Kids Director
OWA Executive Director
Additional Information
NO Peewee’s/6U – If they are caught wrestling as an 8U they will have their USA Wrestling card taken for the reminder of the season. Must meet the minimum age requirement.
No Double Bracketing – Must choose one bracket
1st Place – You will not wrestle another 1st place wrestler your first round at the Classic. We will make every attempt possible to make this happen – not guaranteed
The weight you qualify for is the weight you will wrestle at the Oregon Classic. No weight allowances.
Must pay $30 the day of the qualifier to confirm your spot for the following weekend (Cadets are an open tournament - can pay onsite or online at www.trackwrestling.com) NO Refunds
Any coach or parent harassing another coach, parent or referee will be asked to leave the event. This also goes for children. Any physical or verbal abuse will not be tolerated and will be reported to the authorities.
15 Point tech for the 8U -0 16U Divisions
Line bracketing. 1-minute rounds for 8U & 10U. 1 minute 1 round and 2 -1 min 30 second rounds for 12U & 14U. 2 minute rounds for16U.
Must Qualify for this tournament.

WSWA Oregon Classic Qualifier - Spokane
Registration Deadlines:
WSWA Spokane Qualifier
U6 - Closes: 01/09/2025 05:00:00 PM MST
U8 - Closes: 01/09/2025 05:00:00 PM MST
U10 - Closes: 01/09/2025 05:00:00 PM MST
U12 - Closes: 01/09/2025 05:00:00 PM MST
U14 - Closes: 01/09/2025 05:00:00 PM MST
U16 - Closes: 01/09/2025 05:00:00 PM MST
Oregon Classic Qualifier - La Grand, OR
Kiddos must place 1st - 3rd to qualify at to wrestle at the Oregon Classic.
WSWA Merry X-Mas Mayhem - PASCO
Event Details
Event Director: Travis Ayers
Event Email:mtayers67@gmail.com
Pasco High School
1108 N 10th Ave
Pasco, WA 99301
Age Groups
USA Junior

ORWAY TRI-STATE Regional Championship Pendleton Convention Center
REMEMBER: Wrestlers must wrestle in at least three League Tournaments to be eligible for the regional tournament.
December 20 and 21, 2024
ORWAY Tri State Regional Tournament
Pendleton Convention Center
1601 Westgate
Pendleton, OR 97801

Baker Brawl Baker High School ORWAY Tournament 7
December 14, 2024
Baker Brawl
Baker High School
2500 East Street
Baker, OR 97814

Wallowa Valley Rumble Enterprise High School ORWAY Tournament 6
December 7, 2024
Wallowa Valley Rumble
Enterprise High School
201 SE 4th Street
Enterprise, OR 97826

Cougar Challenge Echo High School ORWAY Tournament 6
December 7, 2024
Cougar Challenge
Echo High School
600 Gerome Street
Echo, OR 97826

MAYHEM on the MAT Milton-Freewater ORWAY Tournament 5
November 30, 2023
Mayhem on the Mat
McLoughlin High School
120 South Main Street
Milton-Freewater, OR 97862
Turkey Classic (Sunday Tournament) Walla Walla
November 24, 2024 (Sunday)
Turkey Classic
Walla Walla High School
800 Abbott Rd
Walla Walla, WA 99362

The Battle on the Columbia ORWAY Tournament 4
COACH T will be at BIG FOOT tournament. Please advise if you plan on going to this tournament instead of the USA tournament.
November 23, 2024
The Battle on the Columbia
Irrigon High School
315 SE Wyoming Ave
Irrigon, OR 97844

2024 Tour of America - Northwest Bigfoot Battle
USA Wrestling begins its distinguished Tour of America Folkstyle series with the 2024 Northwest Bigfoot Battle, an exciting event that promises to bring together young wrestling talents from all corners of the country. Hosted in the picturesque city of Spokane, Washington, on November 23, 2024. The Northwest Bigfoot Battle is not only a showcase of wrestling skill but also an opportunity to earn Future Olympic Rankings points and earn some of the most impressive trophies within youth wrestling, with each event featuring a specific trophy design based upon the local culture.
Available divisions at Tour of America – Bigfoot Battle
8U True Beginners, 8U Girls, 8U Boys
10U True Beginners, 10U Girls, 10U Boys
12U True Beginners, 12U Girls, 12U Boys
Middle School True Beginners, Middle School Girls (Grades 6-8th), Middle School Boys (Grades 6-8th)
USA Wrestling does not charge for adjusting weight classes, even at weigh-ins, so sign up early to guarantee your spot in the event.
Satellite Weigh-In Locations - Coming soon
(Scroll to the bottom of the page after clicking on the link)
Location & Date
The Podium
511 W Dean Ave,
Spokane, WA 99201
November 23, 2024
USA Wrestling Event Refund Policy: Your USA Wrestling event purchase through the USA Wrestling membership system (tournament entry, coaches pass, tickets, etc.) is non-refundable. Any cancelation that takes place after purchase, or after the event has been passed, will not be refunded. By completing this event purchase, you understand that all purchases are non-refundable for whatever reason.
Description text goes here
Description text goes here
Description text goes here

Round Up City Rumble ORWAY Tournament 3
November 16, 2024
Round Up City Rumble
Pendleton Convention Center
1601 Westgate
Pendleton, OR 97801
Team Pictures
Photos will be held at the beginning of practice.
Please be ON-TIME.
The photographer is booked for one (1) hour total.
The Basic Photos will consist of the following:
Team Photo (Athletes, Coaches, Volunteers)
Individual Athletes ( Singlets / Warm Ups ) your choice.
Per athlete the cost will be thirty (30) dollars. $30.00
Additional Costs
Athlete and Practice partners ($5)
Athlete and Siblings ($5$)
Athlete and Parents ($5)
The photos provided will be digital copies only. No hard copies will be provide!!! The photos will be uploaded to the website password protected when available.
La Grande Slam ORWAY Tournament 2
November 9, 2024
La Grande Slam
La Grande High School
708 K Ave #100
La Grande, OR 97850

John Day Grant County ORWAY Invitational Tournament 1
November 2, 2024
John Day Grant County ORWAY Invitational
Grant Union High School
911 S Canyon Blvd
John Day, OR 97845