The Asylum Project

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Stay in School 2-5-25

WOD: Wrestling-Inspired Core and Strength Workout

Equipment Needed:

  • A sturdy chair or couch

  • A backpack filled with books or other heavy items

  • A towel or mat for comfort

Warm-Up (5-10 minutes)

  1. Jumping Jacks - 2 minutes

  2. Bodyweight Squats - 2 sets of 10-15 reps

  3. Arm Circles - 1 minute (30 seconds forward, 30 seconds backward)

  4. Hip Openers - 1 minute

Main Workout (for time)

Complete as many rounds as possible (AMRAP) in 20 minutes.

  1. Backpack Thrusters (similar to lifts in wrestling)

    • 10 reps

    • Hold a backpack at chest level and perform a squat followed by an overhead press.

  2. Chair/ Couch Step-Ups (whatever one doesn’t get you in trouble)

    • 10 reps (each leg)

    • Step up onto the chair/couch with one foot, driving the opposite knee up.

  3. Towel Plank Holds (bored? Be the Board)

    • 30 seconds

    • Place a towel under your feet while in a plank position to engage core muscles. (smooth surface)

  4. Backpack Russian Twists

    • 10 reps (each side)

    • Sit on the floor, lean back slightly, hold the backpack, and twist from side to side.

  5. Lateral Bounds (power and agility)

    • 10 reps (5 each side)

    • Jump side to side, landing on one foot and stabilizing.

  6. Burpees (for explosive power)

    • 5-10 reps

    • A full-body movement that combines a squat, plank, and jump.

Cool Down (5 minutes)

  1. Child's Pose - 1 minute

  2. Seated Forward Fold - 1 minute

  3. Hip Flexor Stretch - 1 minute (30 seconds each side)

  4. Neck Stretches - 1 minute


  • Rest as needed between rounds.

  • Modify reps based on your fitness level.

  • Stay hydrated!

Enjoy! Don’t be stingy! POP-lOCK & POST IT.